REDRING® USA Kicks Off a Month Long Promotion

Dial-a-Dealer Redring® promotion aimed at increasing awareness of the benefits of the

 Redring® Optical Shotgun sight to dealers and consumers alike.


Redring USARedring® USA LLC, importer and distributor of the truly innovative Redring® optical shotgun sight, is launching the “Dial-a-Dealer” promotion to promote the Redring® optical shotgun sight to dealers and customers. The contest runs from June 15, 2013 to July 15, 2013. Customers are tasked to finding out if their local shotgun dealer carries the Redring® sight. If the dealer does carry the sight, both the dealer and customer win a prize. When the customer additionally purchases the sight, they will also receive a $50 bill upon sending in a copy of the receipt.Redring Dial-a-Dealer Promo

If the dealer does not carry the Redring® sight (the dealer must carry and sell shotguns and/or accessories), the customer wins a prize. The contest is being promoted on the Redring® Facebook page and Twitter page as well through the email blast. For more information on the contest and to download the contest form, visit here.

About the Redring® Optical Shotgun Sight:

The Redring® helps beginners and seasoned shooters achieve better aim on the moving target and hit more targets successfully. Unlike traditional sights sold on the market, the Redring® features smart technology that allows the shooter to immediately take fast and instinctive shots with both eyes open. This sight is not for aiming, it’s for fast shotgun shooting. It gives the hunter another reference point to confidently bag the birds with less-to-zero collateral damage to game.

For more information on the advantages to using the Redring® on your shotgun, visit “Like” us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter or check out the YouTube videos on the Redring® advantage.