The Social Media Reload: December 11, 2015

Social Media Reload

Gone are the days of newspapers, magazines and network television. Social media is today’s top source for news, entertainment and information. But with the quick pace of trending topics and 140-character updates, unless you live online you’re bound to miss something. Luckily for you, that’s my job! The Social Media Reload features the most popular, interesting, entertaining and controversial content in the firearms and outdoors industry from the past week and repackages it into a quick list with a bang. Read on and see what you missed this week.

An English world-class sporting shooter and professional shooting instructor with a passion for sports cars, Philip Thorrold is at it again with his latest “extreme shooting” video. This time, Thorrold trades his Ferrari SA Aperta for a $100,000 Porsche Targa, mounts a clay trap in the front luggage compartment and takes off through the countryside with his freshly polished shotgun. As if shooting clays wasn’t difficult the way it is, Thorrold adds a speeding car to the mix and manages to make it look easy, as the Firebird Reactive Target clays explode around him. Is it safe? Definitely not. But is it badass? Absolutely. (via OutdoorHub)

Not only are dogs man’s best friend, they also make great hunting companions. But what if you don’t have a dog? If you’re like Wisconsin hunter Kurtis Fries, you find a pheasant—or rather, a pheasant finds you. While out on a recent deer hunt, Fries realized something was following him in the tall brush, only to find a pheasant on his heels. Baffled by the persistent bird, Fries picks up his bow and continues on with his new hunting buddy by his side, even saying “I’d like to eat you” at one point. The hilarious once-in-a-lifetime encounter is surely an experience Fries nor the pheasant will never forget. Warning: Video includes profanity. (via OutdoorHub)

Just like a can of Coke or a good burger, you can’t beat the real thing when it comes to live bait. For sport fisherman and the fish they go after, live bait is best, but it’s expensive. Now, fisherman can get the look of live bait at the cost of dead bait with Zombait! Launched on Kickstarter, Zombait is a robotic fishing device, inserted through the mouth of your most common bait, that brings dead fish back to life like a zombie puppet. Developed by a team of engineers and a veteran commercial fisherman, Zombait is said to be durable, rechargeable and easy to use. In just a few days, the crowdfunding campaign has raised more than $11,000. (via OutdoorHub)

Did we miss something interesting, entertaining or controversial? Shoot us a link in a comment below and stay up to date with our Social Media Reload archive.


  1. […] Use of a Sports Car: Porsche Skeet Shooting (December […]

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